calendar>>April 3. 2016 Juche 105
Ground-breaking Ceremony of Ryomyong Street Held
Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- A ground-breaking ceremony of Ryomyong Street was held Sunday.

The ceremony was attended by officials of the party, armed forces, Cabinet, ministries and national institutions, service personnel, builders and other working people in the city.

Kim Jong Gwan, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces, made an address.

He said that Marshal Kim Jong Un proclaimed the construction of the street on the spot out of his far-reaching plan to build another street in the area between the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the sacred temple of Juche, and Ryonghung crossroads and personally named it "Ryomyong Street".

The construction of the street is associated with the noble intention of Kim Jong Un to uphold the peerlessly great men of Mt. Paektu by building a modern street symbolic of the bright future of the great Paektusan nation in the Ryongnam area, that houses the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in which President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il lie in state, and a hill on which Kim Jong Il made his historic oath to add glory to Korea, the reporter said.

The reporter called on the builders to demonstrate once again the might of Songun Korea single-mindedly united around the party by completing the street without fail this year in which the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea will be held.

Speakers said that they would successfully build Ryomyong Street as one symbolic of the immutable faith of the army and people of the DPRK and Juche-oriented architectural art, communist utopia street as befitting a highly civilized socialist country and a fantastic street envied by the people the world over, true to the noble intention of the Party, and thus give a report of victory ad glory to Kim Jong Un.

The participants started the building of a 70-story block of apartment houses.

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