calendar>>March 28. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Demands Immediate Cancellation of Ridiculous Confab against DPRK
Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- It was reported that the 4th "Nuclear Security Summit" would be held in the U.S.

The summit is a product of the despicable plot hatched by Obama to give the international community impression that he would immediately start the work for putting into practice the much touted initiative "for building a world without nuclear weapons" made in April of 2009.

Explicitly speaking, the summit sponsored by the U.S. is a mockery and hypocrisy towards the world public desirous of building the world without nuclear weapons.

The U.S. is undoubtedly revealing its true colors as a harasser of the world peace by conducting ceaseless new nuclear tests under the signboard of "a world without nuclear weapons".

It is preposterous for the U.S., the world's biggest nuclear weapons state and its only criminal who used them in the past, to host such summit. It is, therefore, a serious insult to the people desirous of the world peace and security.

The summit is nothing but a fig-leaf for covering up the U.S. arbitrary and high-handed nuclear activities.

The U.S., in particular, has resorted to ceaseless nuclear blackmail and threat to the DPRK, deepening the nuclear crisis on the Korean peninsula.

It is chiefly to blame for proliferating nukes as it has massively shipped nuclear hardware into south Korea. The U.S. military bases in south Korea have a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons of more than ten types including nuclear missiles, bombs and mines. It has staged nuclear war drills targeting the DPRK by introducing nuclear carriers, submarines, bombers, etc. into south Korea and its vicinity. It is thus escalating its nuclear blackmail and threat to an extreme phase.

The U.S. is now staging the largest-ever Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises with the south Korean warmongers with huge troops and all type nuclear war hardware involved. This clearly proves that the U.S. is, indeed, a nuclear maniac without an equal.

This being a hard fact, the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group are going to use the above-said summit as a means for ratcheting up the sanctions against the DPRK, finding fault with its legitimate access to nuclear weapons.

The U.S. hosted the 1st "Nuclear Security Summit in 2010 at which it made "closer cooperation in the campaign for pressurizing the DPRK to dismantle its nukes topic of discussion, reducing it to a war confab of the nuclear maniacs.

It also held the 2nd summit in south Korea in 2012, the ground for exhibiting its nuclear weapons, turning it into a platform for internationalizing the anti-DPRK nuclear racket and mayhem. It was by no means fortuitous that the international community ridiculed the summit as an anti-alcohol assembly at a brewery.

The U.S. is going to host a "nuclear security summit" again at a time when the news of the DPRK's series of measures for bolstering up its nuclear force is reported by world media. This is nothing but the last-ditch effort to deter the DPRK from bolstering up its nuclear deterrent for self-defense at any cost.

It is ridiculous for the U.S. and its followers to hold such nonsensical summit against the DPRK instead of paying heed to the just demand for boldly recognizing it as a nuclear power and opting for dialogue with it. This is an unpardonable criminal act.

The DPRK's nuclear force will steadily grow at the speed desired by the Workers' Party of Korea according to the goal set by it as long as the U.S. hostile policy towards it persists.

The 4th "Nuclear Security Summit" will leave a blot on history as the most shameful international conference.

The U.S. should not waste time by holding a futile confab against the DPRK but seek such realistic solution as rolling back its hostile policy toward the latter.

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