calendar>>March 22. 2016 Juche 105
Park Regime Is to Blame for Touch-and-Go Situation on Korean Peninsula: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday insists in an article that traitor Park Geun Hye is to blame for the prevailing touch-and-go situation as she ruined the inter-Korean relations with her policy of confrontation with the compatriots in the north and is going wild to realize the ambition for the invasion of the north.

The article goes on:

She slapped harsh "sanctions on the north" and is running amuck with hysterical war games against the north under the pretext of its measures for bolstering up the nuclear deterrent for self-defense and its satellite launch for peaceful purposes. These bring to light her vicious nature.

Park is going helter-skelter to realize the "yusin" dictator's dream of invading the north in her time which the dictator failed to do.

Innocent south Korean people will be subject to misfortune due to Park who is utterly ignorant of the military affairs.

South Korean public vent their rage and grievance that they are at unease due to the reckless saber-rattling which the old war servitor is staging with outsiders.

A war is sure to break out if she is left intact as she is steeped in a wild dream of invasion of the north to the marrow of her bones.

It is the only way out for the south Korean people to eliminate the war hysteric of Chongwadae.

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