calendar>>March 22. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Self-Defensive Measures Supported in Bangladesh
Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held in Bangladesh on March 12 to oppose the on-going war games of the U.S. and south Korean puppet regime and support the self-defensive measures taken by the DPRK.

M. Jahangir Khan, chairman of the Bangladesh Group for the Study of the Songun Policy, and other speakers condemned the hostile acts of the U.S. and its followers to encroach upon the inviolable dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK.

They stressed that the Korean people will surely win the final victory, sending full support to all the self-defensive measures taken by the DPRK.

A statement was adopted at the meeting.

It demanded the U.S. and south Korean puppet regime immediately stop the reckless military exercises.

Persistent tension on the Korean peninsula is mainly attributable to the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and the south Korean puppet regime's ambition for "unification through absorption", it said, and went on:

It is a legitimate right of a sovereign state and a fair exercise of sovereignty that the DPRK bolsters up its nuclear deterrent to cope with the U.S. nuclear threat.

The statement extended support and solidarity to the self-defensive measures taken by the DPRK to protect the sovereignty and vital right of the country and nation.

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