calendar>>March 17. 2016 Juche 105
U.S.-S. Korea Military Exercises Enters into More Reckless Phase
Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) -- Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises of the U.S. imperialists and south Korean warmongers have entered into more reckless phase.

While frantically staging the largest-ever joint military drills against the DPRK throughout south Korea under the dangerous war plan aimed at attacking the supreme leadership of the DPRK and "bringing down its social system", the enemies began "scenario for attack drill part 2" the keynote of which is the "operation for advance into the northern inland area" targeting the strategic key areas of the DPRK on March 14.

The Operation Command No. 2 of the puppet army waged a drill for rapidly infiltrating and deploying special warfare forces in the operation theatre on March 14.

On March 15 the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces and units of the south Korean puppet army waged urban battle drill in Phochon, Kyonggi Province.

An engineering unit of the U.S. Second Combat Air Force Wing and a unit of the Seventh Engineering Brigade of the south Korean puppet army ran amuck with joint river crossing exercises.

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