calendar>>March 17. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Mark Anniversary of First Agreement between DPRK and Russia
Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) -- Newspapers of the DPRK Thursday dedicate articles to the anniversary of the first agreement between the DPRK and Russia.

An agreement on economic and cultural cooperation was signed between the DPRK and the Soviet Union on March 17, 1949. It was the first one between the DPRK and Russia.

Since the historic day the two countries have boosted the ties of friendship, steadily developing cooperation and exchange in economic, cultural and other fields on the basis of the agreement on economic and cultural cooperation for more than six decades, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:

Mutual visits and contacts have become brisk at various levels and wide-ranging views have been exchanged on issues of bilateral relations and international matters.

Multifarious cooperative work was pushed forward and diverse political and cultural events took place in recent years, especially last year, the year of friendship between the DPRK and Russia.

The DPRK and Russia are neighbors and their ties are the traditional relations of friendship with a long history.

The whole course of the development of the relations between the two countries proved that the DPRK-Russia friendly ties are in full line with the common aspiration, wishes and interests.

To value and develop the DPRK-Russia friendly relations is favorable for ensuring development and stability in the two countries and peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

It is possible to develop the friendly relations on a fresh stage under any circumstances and situation only when the peoples of the two countries add shine to the history of the bilateral relations of development and the tradition of friendship and cooperation forged by the joint efforts.

Minju Joson says that the DPRK-Russia friendly relations will grow stronger thanks to the desire and wishes of the two peoples to develop them.

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