calendar>>March 17. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses Japan of Denying Sexual Slavery
Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) -- Recently, the Japanese Foreign Ministry opened to public a document full of absurd assertions that the testimonies to the forcible drafting of sexual slaves by the state power made in the past are "lies" and "fabrications."

Earlier, the Japanese authorities, answering a question raised by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women as regards the sexual slavery, claimed results of "comprehensive fact-finding" proved that the "evidence of forcible drafting of comfort women by the army and government organs was not confirmed."

Rodong Sinmun Thursday says in an article that their claim is a blatant challenge to the truth of the stark history.

The article goes on:

Japan's sinister intention of persistently denying the fact well known to the world is to keep buried into oblivion its crime-woven history and embellish its past crimes in a bid to lay a springboard for the revival of militarism and reinvasion.

Since its defeat, Japan has worked hard to evade the responsibility to redress its past crimes through distortion and denial of history, but it is a foolish act.

It is the only option for Japan to sincerely admit its past crimes and make honest apology and reparation for them.

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