calendar>>March 14. 2016 Juche 105
Campaign for Establishing Cultured Way of Life in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The citizens in the DPRK have observed March and April as hygienic months every year.

A brisk campaign is now going on in the country to better the environmental conditions.

Kim Nam Il, department director of the Ministry of Urban Management, told KCNA:

Works were launched at all residential districts and working sites to remove all traces of the winter season and spruce up their surroundings, while repairing buildings and facilities and giving a face-lifting to streets, villages and parks.

Big efforts are paid to planting good species of trees and turfs and boosting the rate of their rooting.

Meanwhile, steps were taken to improve water supply and drainage system and sanitary facilities as well as working conditions.

In Pyongyang a dynamic work goes on to keep the environment around the Taedong River neat and tidy.

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