calendar>>March 14. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Raps Japan's "Security Legislation"
Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- Days ago the defense minister of Japan at a seminar held in Tokyo blustered that the Japan-U.S. alliance would perform its perfect role and its deterrence would be bolstered up to provide a firmer guarantee for Japan's security thanks to the "Security Legislation."

He added that when he met leaders of different countries, he did not hear any criticism of the "Security Legislation" as war law.

Minju Joson Monday says in a commentary in this regard:

The "Security Legislation" of Japan is a war law as it extended the military operation sphere of the "Self-Defense Forces" to worldwide under the signboard of Japan's exercise of the "right to collective self-defense" though it had been limited to surrounding areas of Japan in the past.

Japan is working hard to remove all the obstacles to its overseas aggression, backed by the U.S., and set the stage for waging a war of aggression.

Viewing such ambition of Japan as conforming with the crafty interest of the U.S. in carrying out its strategy for dominating Asia-Pacific by putting forward Japan as a shock brigade for aggression, Washington amended "U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines" together with Tokyo and let it adopt the "Security Legislation" last year.

Upbeat over the legal framework made for overseas aggression, Japan unhesitatingly conducts extremely dangerous military actions.

However, Japan, obsessed with reinvasion and worship of the U.S., does not think at all about the consequences to be entailed by their actions.

The U.S. is not the "only superpower" in the world which Japan thinks of but just a war maniac keen to realize the anachronistic scenario to dominate the world, overconfident of its muscle.

Japan would be well advised to stop going foolish.

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