calendar>>March 14. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses S. Korean Authorities of Evading Compensation for Their Gangsterism in Sea
Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet ship Highny deliberately bumped against the DPRK ship Turubong-3 on its routine fishing in the East Sea of Korea in October last year, causing a serious damage and taking to flight.

Several months have passed since the incident but the puppet authorities have refused to make an apology and compensation. They are now evading the responsibility under the pretext of the prevailing tense situation between the north and the south.

Rodong Sinmun Monday observes in a commentary in this regard:

Their behavior is a mean and shameless trick to cover up the truth behind the case and dodge the responsibility for it through procrastination.

What touches off bitter anger is that the puppet forces are justifying their reckless act by citing the prevailing situation, the commentary notes, and goes on:

Their behavior reminds an incendiary shouting "Fire!" It is none other than the puppet forces who created a touch-and-go situation through dangerous moves for a nuclear war against the north in collusion with outsiders. They are, however, working hard to evade the responsibility for the above-said incident by taking advantage of the grave situation created by them. They are the worst gangsters and depraved pirates.

Like master, like man the witch of Chongwadae is going mad with confrontation and war and stupid gangsters of the ship are following suit.

"Humanitarianism" and "human rights in the north" touted by the Park Geun Hye group of traitors would only bring to light the ugly nature of those engrossed in all fascist acts and confrontation with compatriots in the north while abusing human rights.

The Park group had better stop its poor charade at once and make apology and compensation for the crimes it committed against the ship of the DPRK.

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