calendar>>March 14. 2016 Juche 105
Cambodian King Supports Korean People
Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- Hong Ki Chol, DPRK ambassador to Cambodia, paid a farewell visit to Norodom Sihamoni, king of Cambodia, on March 9.

The Cambodian king said that Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, together with Great King Norodom Sihanouk, provided and deepened the excellent friendship between the two countries.

He noted that he was pleased with the steady development of this valuable and historic friendship under the great care of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

He extended sincere congratulations to the DPRK on its great successes in all fields including economic development and improvement of people's livelihood under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Cambodia will as ever firmly support Kim Jong Un's determination and line for the wellbeing of the Korean people, peaceful reunification of Korea and durable peace on the Korean peninsula, he added.

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