calendar>>March 12. 2016 Juche 105
Overseas Koreans Demand Japanese Government's Honest Apology and Reparation
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Overseas Koreans staged actions in different parts of the world to force Japan to make apology and reparation for the crimes related to the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army, according to Minjok Thongsin, internet newspaper of Koreans in the U.S.

A meeting took place in front of the statue of a girl sexual slave in California State on March 5 to denounce the "agreement" on the sexual slavery issue.

Its participants accused Japan of committing unheard-of crimes in the past, wantonly trampling down the dignity and rights of women of Korea and other Asian countries, holding photos of victims of the sexual slavery.

They also blasted the south Korean authorities for ripping open the wounds of victims by concluding a humiliating "agreement" with Japan, though victims and civic and social bodies have held Wednesday meetings for a long period in demand of the proper solution to the issue.

Declaring the "agreement" null and void, they demanded the Japanese government make honest apology and reparation for the past crimes.

Signature campaigns and information activities of Koreans took place in Germany and Britain on the same day to slash at the "agreement."

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