calendar>>March 12. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Group Accused of Its Independent "Sanctions" against North
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Newspapers here Saturday in commentaries denounce the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea for slapping independent "sanctions" on the DPRK, keeping pace with the U.S. harsh "sanctions" against it.

Rodong Sinmun says the Park group of traitors' announcement of its independent "sanctions" is the last-ditch effort of those who are struck with fear in face of the powerful military counteraction of the DPRK and a racket of psychopaths as foolish as lifting axes to drop on their own feet.

The Park group's "sanctions" are ridiculous, indeed, as they only precipitate their ruin, it notes, and goes on:

Traitor Pak Geun Hye is hastily judging everything as she pleases and working hard to bring a horrible disaster with naive calculation. She should bear in mind that she is bound to meet a tragic end for resorting to the above-said reckless action without any foresight and any thought of ensuing consequences.

All the Koreans now see the last wriggling of the poor old woman in Chongwadae fated to meet her doom for getting frantic with sycophancy, treachery and confrontation with fellow countrymen in the north.

Minju Joson ridicules Park as the worst fool wringing her neck by herself as she is slapping independent "sanctions" on the north, not content with the UN "sanctions" against it.

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