calendar>>March 12. 2016 Juche 105
Meeting Held in UK to Protest against U.S., S. Korean Puppet Forces
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held outside the U.S. embassy in London on March 5 in protest against the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces' war rehearsals for aggression and the UNSC's "resolution on sanctions" against the DPRK.

Present there were figures of the New Communist Party of Britain, the British Association for the Study of Songun Policy, the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Korean Friendship Association UK and masses.

Dermot Hudson, chairman of the British Association for the Study of Songun Policy, in a speech disclosed the scale and aggressive nature of Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises being staged by the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces.

He went on:

We strongly demand a stop to Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 and withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea.

The fabrication of the UNSC's "resolution on sanctions" against the DPRK is the monstrous, international crime wantonly violating the sovereignty of the DPRK.

The UN has already lost its impartiality and turned into a tool for carrying out the U.S. high-handed politics.

The meeting introduced messages from foreign organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people.

Read out there were a crucial statement of the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army and a statement of a spokesman for the DPRK government.

The participants in the meeting distributed to pedestrians literatures disclosing the purpose of the war drills and injustice of the UNSC's "sanctions resolution".

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