calendar>>March 12. 2016 Juche 105
Korean People's Struggle for National Reunification Supported at Int'l Meeting
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- A solidarity resolution on Korea's reunification was adopted at a meeting of the Presidential Council of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) held in Vietnam on March 6.

The resolution said that Korea's reunification is directly linked to the global peace and security and it is a pressing matter the solution of which progressive mankind has wanted. It went on:

The issue of Korea's reunification should be solved by the Korean nation itself in keeping with its independent will and demand and in the idea of By Our Nation Itself.

The U.S. and south Korean war maniacs should halt the dangerous war rehearsals and military provocations escalating the tension on the Korean peninsula.

The U.S. forces, a stumbling block lying in the way for achieving peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula, should be immediately pulled out of south Korea.

The U.S. should accept the DPRK's fair proposal to defuse the danger of war, ease the tension and create a peaceful environment on the Korean peninsula by replacing the armistice agreement with a peace accord.

The resolution denounced the U.S. imperialists and their followers for cooking up another "resolution on sanctions" by usurping the power of the UNSC, faulting the DPRK on its bolstering of self-defensive deterrent and launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4, a legitimate right.

We extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people's just struggle for achieving the country's independent and peaceful reunification at an early date, true to the idea of By Our Nation Itself.

The WFTU fervently appeals the world progressives to extend strong support and solidarity to the Korean people's struggle for putting an end the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, a root cause of confrontation and escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula, and for reunifying the country at any cost and thus contributing to accomplishing the cause of global peace, security and independence.

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