calendar>>March 11. 2016 Juche 105
Australian Organization Slams U.S.-S. Korea Joint Military Drills
Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The Australia-DPRK Association for Friendship and Culture made public a statement on Mar. 1 in denunciation of the U.S. and the south Korean bellicose forces' provocative war drills against the DPRK.

The statement said:

The largest-ever Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military drills to be staged on the Korean peninsula are aimed to invade the DPRK to all intents and purposes.

The saber-rattling involving huge aggression forces are extremely aggravating tensions on the Korean peninsula and in the region and gravely threatening global peace.

The western media are slandering the DPRK as "rouge state" and "arch criminal threatening peace on the Korean peninsula."

However, this criticism is based on utterly twisted views.

The DPRK made various reasonable proposals for replacing the Armistice Agreement by a peace treaty and improving the relations with the U.S. and has made positive efforts to implement them during the past decades.

The statement demanded the Australian authorities not align itself with the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.

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