calendar>>March 11. 2016 Juche 105
Bulgarian Personage Supports Crucial Statement of KPA Supreme Command
Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Atanas Ivanov, honorary chairman of the Bulgarian Communists Union, made public a statement on March 3 in support of the crucial statement of the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

The statement said:

60 odd years have passed since the ceasefire of the war on the Korean peninsula.

The U.S., failing to drop its inveterate bad habit, has turned down the DPRK's proposal for concluding a peace treaty in a bid to realize its wild ambition for aggression, and has extremely screwed up tensions on the peninsula by staging large-scale war games against the DPRK every year.

The KPA Supreme Command solemnly clarified in its crucial statement on Feb. 23 the faith and will of the servicepersons and people of the DPRK to mercilessly crush the aggressive moves of the U.S. and south Korean puppet group.

More than 1.5 million officials, young working people and students of universities and senior secondary schools across the DPRK volunteered to join and rejoin the KPA just two days after the announcement of the crucial statement.

The DPRK has the service personnel and people who are determined to defend their country at the cost of their lives by getting closely united around the party and leader.

Such service personnel and people are invincible.

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