calendar>>March 9. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Urges Enemies Not to Misjudge DPRK's Warnings
Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists and south Korean puppet warmongers kicked off Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises across south Korea on March 7 despite warnings of the DPRK.

As the warmongers blustered, the drills are the largest-ever nuclear saber-rattling for invading the north in the light of their provocative, vicious and reckless nature as they are aimed to confirm the possibility of carrying out OPLAN 5015 under the simulated conditions of an actual war. It includes the "beheading operation" targeting the headquarters of the Korean revolution, surprise landing operation for occupying the strategic vantages by sudden attacks and an operation to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on nuclear striking means of the DPRK.

The aggressors are impudently describing the on-going rehearsals as "annual ones", fully revealing their ambition to stifle the DPRK remaining unchanged.

The international community are expressing concern over the grave situation prevailing on the Korean peninsula and in its vicinity caused by the unreasonable UN "resolution on sanctions" the hostile forces fabricated by taking issue with the DPRK over its first self-defensive H-bomb test and legitimate launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4, ardently wishing to see the tension defused as early as possible.

It is against this backdrop that the U.S. and south Korean puppet forces are making last-ditch efforts to hurt the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK by mobilizing huge forces and even almost three major strategic nuclear striking means. This is a blatant challenge to the desire of the international community for peace and security and fully reveals their true colors as aggressors and arch criminals aggravating the situation.

Neither logic nor advice works on the gangsters pouncing with weapons.

The grave situation clearly proves once again what just and far-sighted the DPRK was when it took measures to bolster the self-defensive war deterrence, preemptive nuclear striking capability in every way in order to prevail over the enemies' injustice by force of justice.

The DPRK remains unfazed though the U.S. and south Korean puppet forces are busy staging the above-said drills and slapping harshest "sanctions."

It is foolish of them to dare provoke the single-mindedly united DPRK shedding brilliant rays all over the world by launching self-developed satellites and possessing tremendous self-defensive nuclear deterrence.

The service personnel and people of the dignified DPRK started a general offensive to counter the U.S. and its followers' nuclear war hysteria to plunge the living space of the DPRK into a nuclear disaster, not content with wantonly infringing upon its sovereignty and security.

All military attacking means of the DPRK including nuclear weapons deployed for action are waiting for the moment of their launches for annihilating the enemies after making precision sighting of major targets in operational areas of south Korea, the bases of the U.S. imperialist aggressors in Asia-Pacific and the U.S. mainland, pursuant to the plan of the supreme headquarters for liberating south Korea and punishing the U.S.

If the enemies start an adventurous military invasion of the DPRK, misjudging its will to mercilessly retaliate against and wipe out them, its service personnel and people will turn the strongholds of provocation into the sea of flames and heap of ashes in a jiffy by the unimaginable Juche-based war method.

The DPRK makes no empty talk.

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