calendar>>March 8. 2016 Juche 105
Performance Given by National Folk Art Troupe
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- A music and dance performance was given by the National Folk Art Troupe at the Ponghwa Art Theatre on Tuesday, the 106th March 8 International Women's Day.

Among the audience were women officials of merits, members of the women's union here and their families.

Present there on invitation were overseas Korean women, women of foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations here and their spouses and foreign guests.

The performance began with prologue "Women Are Flowers." Put on the stage were female quintet "Song of Women", female quartet and chorus "Moranbong" and other colorful numbers.

The performers represented reverence for President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who provided the flower garden attaching importance to women and respecting them on this land and glorified the name of the Korean women before the times and history.

Also put on the stage were numbers showing the boundless glory and happiness of holding Marshal Kim Jong Un, who is protecting the bright laugh and future of the Korean women and the rising generation, in high esteem as the father of the large socialist family.

Festive atmosphere revved up when audience also presented some numbers on the stage.

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