calendar>>March 8. 2016 Juche 105
2016 Women's Football Day Marked in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- An event took place in the DPRK to mark the AFC Women's Football Day-8 March 2016.

Present there were women coaches and advisers from different sports teams, juvenile sports schools and Pyongyang International Football School and former women football stars.

Participants attended a training course in the global trend of football development and the role of coaches and advisers in games and training of reserves before watching a video clip on an international game.

Then, they played a football match.

Pang Yong Su, deputy secretary of the DPRK Football Association, told KCNA that March 8 was set as the AFC Women's Football Day last year and diverse activities have been conducted by football associations in different countries with March 8 as an occasion.

People's Athlete Ri Kum Suk, a former forward of the women's world XI, said that she was deeply moved to play the match with her old colleagues, noting that she would devote herself to the women football development in the country.

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