calendar>>March 8. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Call for Giving Full Play to Revolutionary Spirit of Korean Women
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Newspapers here Tuesday dedicate editorials to the 106th March 8 International Women's Day, the revolutionary holiday of the working women all over the world.

An editorial of Rodong Sinmun says: There took place fundamental changes in the destiny and position, ideological and moral traits and role of the Korean women who were once subject to national contempt, deprivation of political rights, social inequality and feudal fetters and a new history respecting women began on this land thanks to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

Today the Korean women are remaining true to the idea and leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un with the same clean conscience and sense of obligation as the women guerrillas displayed when devotedly protecting the headquarters of revolution during the anti-Japanese war and a woman party member of Rakwon and an old woman of Thaesong did by trusting and following only the party and the leader with single-minded loyalty.

The devoted services being rendered by the Korean women with clean conscience as the roots of the country at all times, whether they are known or unknown and rewarded or unrewarded, add to the dynamism of the Korean revolution and push the country to fresh leap forward and prosperity.

All the women should deeply cherish the mission and tasks they assumed before the era and history and give fuller play to the revolutionary spirit of the Korean women in the on-going general offensive.

Minju Joson calls on the Korean women to become honorable victors in the 70-day campaign of loyalty under the leadership of Kim Jong Un and thus fully demonstrate once again before the world their revolutionary spirit in glorifying the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea as the glorious one of victors and ushering in the golden age of building a thriving nation.

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