calendar>>March 3. 2016 Juche 105
Despicable Nature of Park Geun Hye Dissected
Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Korean woman Ri Su Gyong issued an article dissecting Park Geun Hye in the name of women.

The article revealed the despicable nature of Park who experienced no marriage life and has no child and who causes only evils.

The article continued:

Park has so far professed the eldest daughter of Park Chung-hee but she had a step-sister from her father's first deserted wife.

Park Chung-hee abandoned his first wife and her daughter who was his first child but took to Chongwadae only Park Geun Hye and her younger siblings. He tried to put the disgraceful family story under the carpet.

Park Geun Hye was so cold as to kick her step-sister out when she came to bid last fare-well to her father, ruthlessly violating natural relationships between the father and daughter.

She brags about her unusual 18-year stay in Chongwadae but it was nightmare-like days crowded with strange events.

In August 1974 her mother was shot to death and after five years her father was also shot to death by his close confidant.

No sooner had Park Geun Hye put off her dress for mourning her mother than styled herself the "first lady" in the presence of her father, stunning the world.

At adolescence she hung out with indecent guys who had been around the dictator.

She is also called an old hen in south Korea, the article said, deriding her as an abandoned one as she failed to lay eggs and is unable to discern whether she is cock or hen and even crows regardless of time. It went on:

Incompetence, self-righteousness, arrogance and lack of understanding are her inborn disposition. What she has done at Chongwadae was nothing but the revival of "yusin" dictatorship.

She is a witch who gave south Koreans despair, not hope, and death, not life after becoming "president."

She can be called "world-level" prostitute as she swings her skirt in the international arena.

For the purpose of supporting the U.S. policy of pressurizing the DPRK she spent 9 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 only for buying weapons after describing them as latest type ones, though they are too old to use. And she offers tens of billions of U.S. dollars to her American master every year, insisting that she would not take over OPECON from him.

Being utterly ignorant of military affairs, she introduced at random U.S. nuclear war hardware including nuclear carriers, submarines and bombers into south Korea and even solicited the deployment of THAAD in south Korea. Consequently, the Korean Peninsula has become a theatre of powers' scramble for domination.

Not long ago, she committed the high treason of overlooking the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army. She is, indeed, a bestial woman to be destroyed by all the Korean women.

She is a dissipated woman who serves outsiders regardless of time and place and, at the same time, a wicked woman who does everything evil against the compatriots in the north.

When the whole world hailed the DPRK's successes in the H-bomb test and launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4, she ran amuck together with the fear-stricken U.S. master, committing hideous crimes against reunification.

Park Geun Hye, pronoun of all crime and disgraces, should be punished in the name of the women all over the world loving justice and truth.

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