calendar>>March 3. 2016 Juche 105
More Mass Rallies Held in Local Areas
Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Mass rallies took place in North Hwanghae and Jagang provinces, Kaesong City, Pukchang County and other cities and counties on Sunday and Monday to vow to carry out the tasks set forth in the joint calls made by the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and become victors in the 70-day campaign of loyalty.

Present there were officials of local party, power and economic bodies and working people's organizations and officials, working people, youth and students of industrial establishments, farms and universities.

Reporters and speakers recalled that the WPK initiated the 70-day campaign of loyalty to greet its Seventh Congress with high political enthusiasm and unprecedented labor achievements and appealed to the service personnel and people to create fresh spirit representing the Mallima era of Juche Korea and heroic fighting trait in that worthwhile campaign.

Saying that the 70-day campaign of loyalty is the one for devotedly defending the leader, implementing the behests of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and upholding the Party's policies, they called upon all the units to set high goals of the campaign and dynamically conduct the organizational and political work to give full rein to the masses' revolutionary enthusiasm and creative ingenuity.

They underscored the need for everyone to bring about miracles and innovations in the campaign, holding higher the red flag of the revolution, and thus make a positive contribution to greeting the Seventh Congress of the WPK as the glorious one of victors.

Similar rallies took place at the industrial establishments, cooperative farms and universities across the country.

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