calendar>>March 3. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korea-Japan "Agreement" on Issue of Sexual Slavery under Fire by South Koreans
Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- South Korean people staged actions in various parts of south Korea on March 1 in demand of nullification of the humiliating "agreement" on the issue of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese army.

A rally was held at the Chonggye plaza in Seoul under the sponsorship of the national action for nullifying the south Korea-Japan "agreement" on the sexual slavery and its just solution.

A joint declaration was made public at the rally.

The joint declaration said the actions would go on until the Japanese government admitted its state and legal responsibility, made an official apology and reparation.

Similar actions were staged in 24 areas of south Korea including Inchon, Taejon, Jeju Island and Wonju in Kangwon Province of south Korea.

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