calendar>>March 3. 2016 Juche 105
Hostile Moves against DPRK Denounced by Chief of Korean Organization in Russia
Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Jang Sun Jong, chairperson of the Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia, issued a statement on February 23 denouncing the U.S. and other hostile forces for their moves to escalate the confrontation with the DPRK.

The statement said that the DPRK's successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 was a great event of the nation as it instilled strong conviction and courage not only into the people in the homeland but also overseas compatriots and the world progressives.

The statement accused the U.S., the south Korean puppet forces and the Japanese reactionaries of ratcheting up the pressure upon the DPRK over its legitimate satellite launch.

It blasted the Park Geun Hye group for totally suspending the operation in the Kaesong Industrial Zone and the Japanese authorities for intensifying the politically-motivated suppression of organizations of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and the national education and their moves to stamp out it and mulling even the ban on the reentry of Korean residents in Japan after their visits to the homeland.

The statement also condemned the U.S. imperialist aggressors for moving to deploy THAAD in south Korea.

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