calendar>>February 27. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Reactionaries' Anti-Chongryon Moves Accused
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Recently the Japanese police gangsters arrested the manager of a Korean trading company under the pretext of "illegal export" to the DPRK. This is the intentional and premeditated political provocation to defame the authority and image of the dignified General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and intensify oppression and suppression of it.

Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in a commentary.

Noting that it is the main method of the Japanese reactionaries for suppressing Chongryon to often storm its institutions and search them as if they uncovered a big criminal organization, the commentary goes on:

The recent reckless acts vividly show wickedness and baseness peculiar to Japan and the turbulent political climate in Japan influenced by national chauvinism to justify its criminal moves to stifle Chongryon by widely spreading anti-Chongryon opinion in the whole society of Japan.

It is the black-hearted intention of the Japanese reactionaries to separate Korean businessmen from Chongryon by intensifying suppression of organizations of Korean traders and industrialists and economic bodies in Japan that are conducting legitimate economic activities, after branding them as "organizations resorting to illegal acts."

What is more serious is that the search was conducted just a few days after the announcement of the independent "sanctions" by the Japanese authorities peppered with strict restrictions of legitimate activities of Chongryon and content of trampling down upon the life and rights of Koreans in Japan.

The Japanese reactionaries would be well advised to think twice about the grave consequences to be entailed by their despicable anti-Chongryon moves.

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