calendar>>February 27. 2016 Juche 105
Now Is Time to Give Vent to Pent-up Grudge against U.S. Imperialists: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The combined "beheading operation," the core of OPLAN 5015 recently worked out by the U.S. and south Korean puppet group, is an operation for preemptive strike to deprive the Korean people of something dearest to their life and destiny and undermine the mainstay supporting the just cause of the DPRK.

Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in an article. It goes on:

This is a blatant challenge which makes impossible for the servicepersons and people of the DPRK to exercise patience any longer and an unpardonable heinous crime which prompts them to give vent to their hatred and resentment like a nuclear explosion.

The U.S. imperialists are egging the south Korean puppet regime on to ignite a fratricidal war.

They are the enemy of the Korean nation as they divided Korea and are inciting confrontation to block reunification.

It is none other than the U.S. which is making desperate efforts to deprive the Korean people and nation of their honor of being blessed with the sun generation after generation.

The supreme headquarters of the DPRK means the Workers' Party of Korea and the social system of the DPRK and represents its highest dignity and might.

The U.S. imperialists who have committed all sorts of crimes since their occupation of south Korea are now foolishly seeking to perpetrate a hideous crime against the sun protecting the destiny of the nation.

The Korean people's hatred and resentment have been pent up for over 70 years. Now is the time to give vent to them.

It is high time the DPRK demonstrated the tremendous muscle, the manifold shield protecting the sun.

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