calendar>>February 27. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Successful Satellite Launch Congratulated by Figure of Regional Organization
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Marwan Sudah, chairman of the Arab Committee for Solidarity with Korean People and Supporting the Reunification of Korea issued a statement on February 18 in congratulation of the DPRK's successful launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4.

The above-said successful satellite launch is a great success brought about by the DPRK's consistent Juche-oriented political line, he said, and went on:

The DPRK manufactured the satellite with its own efforts and technology, not relying on any other countries, and put it into its orbit.

This clearly shows the science and technology of Juche Korea and potentialities of its industry.

The success achieved by the DPRK clearly proved once again that the idea of Marshal Kim Jong Un was the most powerful force leading world, a motive force for the development of the world community and a source of miracles making things impossible possible.

The DPRK's line and policies of developing science and technology are the original ones for the people that are quietly different from the West's policies of competition for existence.

I sincerely pay highest respect to HE Kim Jong Un who wisely led the Korean people to achieve the great success.

I extend warm congratulations to the Korean people, scientists and technicians.

I hope the Korean people would fully demonstrate the might of the country before the world in the future, too.

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