calendar>>February 27. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Guides Test-fire of Newly Developed Anti-tank Guided Weapon
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- National defence scientists and munitions industry workers of the DPRK rounded off the development of one more Juche-based weapon of Korean style which may outrun the enemies' numerical and technical advantages through their painstaking research.

The test-fire of the newly developed anti-tank guided weapon was staged in the presence of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

When he ordered to fire, the targets were destroyed to pieces.

He said that it was wonderful firing, indeed, adding: The portable anti-tank laser-guided rocket produced by the munitions industry workers of the DPRK has the longest firing-range in the world. Its rate of hits is as accurate as a sniper's rifle firing and its armor penetrating capability and destructive power are marvelous.

He noted with great satisfaction that even the special armored tanks and cars of the enemies which boast their high maneuverability and striking power are no more than a boiled pumpkin before the anti-tank guided weapon of the DPRK.

He said that the anti-tank rocket comprehensively reflects the military strategic idea of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on guerilla warfare.

Noting the weapon most vividly reflects his idea of putting all weapons and equipment on an accurate and light weight basis and it is an impeccable Juche-based weapon that meets the specific conditions of the country, he said with pride that the test-fire of the Juche-based weapon helps realize how just the above-said policy is.

Noting combat and technical specifications of the anti-tank guided weapon have perfectly reached the level set by the Party, he called for quickly starting the massive and serial production of those weapons and sufficiently deploying them at frontline units and coastal defence units so that a bold campaign for hunting enemy tanks and armored cars may be conducted in contingency.

He thanked in the name of the Central Military Commission of the WPK the relevant scientists, technicians and munitions factory for developing the weapon system.

Calling on the sector of the national defence scientific research and all the workers of the munitions industry to channel their efforts into developing Juche-based weapons suited to the topography of the country and physical conditions of soldiers, he advanced militant tasks to be carried out by the munitions industry during the 70-day campaign and this year.

Accompanying him were Vice-Marshal of the Korean People's Army Hwang Pyong So, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, Army General Ri Myong Su, chief of the General Staff of the KPA, Army Col. General Yun Tong Hyon, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces, Army Lieut. Gen. Jo Nam Jin, vice-director of the Organizational Department of the KPA General Political Bureau, and vice department directors of the Central Committee of the WPK Jo Yong Won, Hong Yong Chil, Kim Chang Gwang and Kim Jong Sik.

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