calendar>>February 26. 2016 Juche 105
Historic Nanhutou Meeting
Pyongyang, February 26 (KCNA) -- Eighty years has passed since the Nanhutou Meeting was convened by President Kim Il Sung. The meeting marked a new milestone in developing the overall Korean revolution centered on the anti-Japanese armed struggle onto a higher stage.

At that time, the Japanese imperialists were hell-bent on obliterating the Korean people's consciousness of independence and national characters, while hastening their preparation for invading mainland China.

To cope with the situation, the President convened the Meeting of Military and Political Cadres of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army (KPRA) in Nanhutou of Ningan County, China from February 27 to March 3, Juche 25 (1936) and delivered a report "The Tasks of Communists in the Strengthening and Development of the Anti-Japanese National Liberation Struggle".

In the report, he set forth strategic policies to transfer the main force of the KPRA to the border point and the area around Mt. Paektu and gradually extend the armed struggle into the homeland, expand the movement of the anti-Japanese national united front and step up moves to found a party. The policies run through the independent stand that the Korean revolutionaries should always be loyal to the Korean revolution.

Now the army and people of the DPRK, armed with the Juche idea, are going on a general offensive for the final victory of Songun (military-first) revolution under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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