calendar>>February 22. 2016 Juche 105
Japan's Lurch to Militarism under Fire
Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- The 9th Wing of the Japan Air "Self-Defense Force" was formed with 40 F-15s in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture. The Defense Equipment Agency opened to public the stealth jet fighter manufactured by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co.

Meanwhile, the Japanese authorities decided to extend the term of the presence of the "Ground Self-Defense Force" in south Sudan by 8 months under the pretext of "peace-keeping".

Rodong Sinmun on Monday says in a commentary these unusual moves from the outset of the year reveal the bellicose nature of Japan rushing headlong to militarism.

The Japanese authorities frequently advertise Japan as a "pacifist state" but nobody lends an ear to this cynical word of play, the commentary says, and goes on:

The Japanese reactionaries had pushed ahead with overseas expansion after "the 1868 Meiji Restoration" as witnessed by the Sino-Japanese war, Russo-Japanese war and invasion of Korea.

After the defeat in the Second World War, Japan pretended to be a "pacifist state", but it harbored a wild ambition for reinvasion.

The present ruling quarters spend the greatest military expenditure on the development and purchase of the state of the art military hardware. It is tantamount to an open declaration before the world that the once criminal state has opted for a military giant and overseas expansion again.

The sphere of the Japanese dispatch of troops has systemically increased in the new century.

Historically, the Japanese reactionaries' "peace strategy" has been precisely the other side of the war strategy.

Japan shouldn't forget this:

Militarist Japan keen on reinvasion to avenge its defeat with its blind eyes turned to the change of the times will face the same destiny as Japanese imperialists hell-bent on the aggression and war under the pretext of "peace-keeping".

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