calendar>>February 21. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Shining Star Marked by Political Parties, Organizations of Northern Europe
Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Progressive political parties and organizations in northern Europe held a joint meeting in Sweden on Feb. 13 to celebrate the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il (the Day of the Shining Star).

Present at the meeting were figures of progressive political parties, organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people and organizations for the study of the Juche idea and other masses in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway and the DPRK ambassador to Sweden and staff members of his embassy.

The participants laid bouquets and flowers before the picture of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il standing together and paid tribute to them.

The chairman of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association, the chairman of the Finland-Korea Society and the chairman of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association and other speakers lauded Kim Jong Il as the peerlessly great man who made great contributions to the country's prosperity, peace and reunification in the Korean Peninsula and sacred cause of global independence, saying that they were pleased to hold a joint meeting of progressive political parties and organizations in northern Europe on the occasion of the significant Day of the Shining Star.

A statement was adopted at the meeting.

It said: The military threat to the DPRK is not symbolic but potential.

The U.S. has turned down all proposals made by the DPRK for concluding a peace treaty and denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula for several decades.

We can never allow the application of another "law" against the DPRK which has the legitimate right to develop space like other countries.

The Nordic countries should fulfill their past commitments to strive for the detente in the Korean Peninsula and friendly relations with the DPRK.

A congratulatory message to Marshal Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.

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