calendar>>February 21. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Angolan Organization
Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- An Angolan preparatory committee for celebrating the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il (the Day of the Shining Star) issued a statement on Feb. 12.

The statement paid high tribute to HE Kim Jong Il who made undying contributions to the cause of human independence on the occasion of the Day of the Shining Star.

It said that Kim Jong Il who was the gifted thinker and theoretician and possessed of outstanding political caliber led the Korean people only to victory with his unique Songun politics, thus demonstrating the national dignity and honor before the whole world.

It noted that the Korean people fully demonstrated the national power of Songun Korea before the world, winning victory after victory such as world-startling launches of satellites by their own efforts and technology as they have HE Kim Jong Un who is identical to Kim Jong Il as supreme leader.

The statement expressed the belief that the Korean people would register bigger success in their struggle for accomplishing the cause of building a thriving socialist nation and achieving the country's independent and peaceful reunification, expressing the will to further boost the friendship and solidarity with them.

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