calendar>>February 21. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Lauded by Peruvian, Nepalese Personages
Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Personages of Peru and Nepal issued statements on Feb. 10 and 12 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

Cati Campos Rontop, general secretary of the People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru, said:

Kim Jong Il developed and enriched the Juche idea and Songun idea founded by President Kim Il Sung as required by the era and the developing revolution through his energetic ideological and theoretical activities.

He kindled the torch of the industrial revolution in the new century across the country and ushered in the age of knowledge-based economy.

He devoted his all to the country's prosperity and people's happiness.

He turned the Workers' Party of Korea into the invincible guiding force, the DPRK into the invincible socialist state and the Korean People's Army into the matchless one.

Today the Korean people are honored to live a happy life thanks to his devoted efforts for laying an eternal foundation for building a thriving socialist nation.

The chairman of the Socialist Journalist Forum of Nepal said that the world progressive people are significantly celebrating Kim Jong Il's birth anniversary as the Day of the Shining Star and extending support and solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle for building a thriving nation and reunifying the country.

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