calendar>>February 21. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Watches Flight Drill of KPA Fighter Pilots
Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected a flight drill of fighter pilots of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force.

He called without notice various types of fighters to a highway-airfield and inspected fighter pilots' aviation on the spot.

He was greeted by General Choe Yong Ho, commander of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force, and Col. General Son Chol Ju, political commissar of a large combined unit.

Taking part in the drill were Units 1017, 447 and 458 of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force.

It is very satisfied to see the pilots steering fighters at their own will and they are good at take-off and landing operation in an unfamiliar and unfavorable highway-airfield, the Supreme Commander said.

He noted with high appreciation that the drill for inspection was well done under the unexpected situation and the reliable pilots of our Party are ready to make sortie if they are given orders anytime.

He further said:

As I have stressed whenever I see a drill of fighter pilots, the defence of the country's territorial air is not tied to the weather and time and a modern warfare is to be conducted in the worst condition.

That is why the pilots should conduct flight drills under battle conditions with a high level of ideological consciousness and thus prepare themselves as competent combat aviators, all-round pilots who are able to creditably discharge their air combat duty in any unfavorable circumstance.

Repeatedly expressing his satisfaction over the successful flight drill, he urged the fighter pilots to intensify the drill with a higher goal and make great success in rounding off the combat readiness of the air force with the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea as an occasion.

Accompanying him were Army General Pak Yong Sik, minister of the People's Armed Forces; Army General Ri Myong Su, chief of the KPA General Staff; Army Lieut. Gen. Rim Kwang Il, first vice-chief of the KPA General Staff and director of its General Operation Bureau; and Army Lieut. Gen. Jo Nam Jin, vice-director of the Organizational Department of the KPA General Political Bureau.

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