calendar>>February 20. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Peruvian Personages
Pyongyang, February 20 (KCNA) -- There took place a Peruvian national meeting for celebrating the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il at the hall of the Communist Party of Peru (Red Motherland).

Alberto Moreno Rojas, president of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru (Red Motherland), said in a speech that the DPRK could defend socialism and demonstrate the dignity of the nation despite the pressure, sanctions and blockade of the U.S. imperialists and their followers as it was guided by the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and developed in depth by Kim Jong Il and had the united strength of all the people armed with the idea.

Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il devoted their all to the prosperity of the country, their people's happiness and national reunification in the whole period of leading the Korean revolution, he added.

The international secretary of the Peruvian People's Women Union who doubles as curator of the Kim Jong Suk Library in Peru said that Kim Jong Il bolstered up the national defence capability and wisely led the Korean people's struggle for building a thriving nation by pursuing the Songun politics.

The greatest feat he performed was that he shattered the moves of the imperialist allied forces against the DPRK and socialism and firmly defended the sovereignty and dignity of the country and the nation, the curator added.

Roberto Carbonel Pezo, chairman of the Peru-Korea Friendship Institute for Study of the Juche Based Songun Policy, praised Kim Jong Il's ideological and theoretical feats and leadership exploits.

Yuri Castro Romero, secretary general of the Peruvian-Korean Institute of Culture and Friendship, underlined the need to continue intensifying the activities for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people.

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