calendar>>February 19. 2016 Juche 105
Chinese Guests, Overseas Koreans Visit Mangyongdae
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Chinese guests and Koreans in China staying here to take part in the 20th Kimjongilia Festival visited Mangyongdae, birthplace of President Kim Il Sung.

They were a delegation of the Shengchao Cultural Disseminating Co. Ltd. of Shanghai, China, a delegation of the Songzhuang Handcrafts Co. Ltd. in Beijing, China and a Chinese regional delegation for disseminating and supporting immortal flowers.

Being briefed on the revolutionary history of the President and patriotic life of his family members, they looked round the historical relics preserved with much care at the old home of the President.

They also went round the Sci-Tech Complex, the Rungna Dolphinarium, etc.

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