calendar>>February 19. 2016 Juche 105
Tok Islets Are Part of Inviolable Territory of Korea: Minju Joson
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Japan should properly understand the will of the Korean nation to defend Tok Islets and give up its foolish ambition to grab them, Minju Joson Friday says in a commentary.

Noting that the Japanese reactionary ruling quarters are ferocious robbers accustomed to grabbing other's things, the commentary goes on:

Japs are such types of rogues who never fail to grab others' things once they eye them. They are, therefore, doggedly insisting that Tok Islets are Japan's territory in disregard of elementary international practice and requirements of international law on territory.

No matter how desperately they insist, Tok Islets can never belong to Japan.

Japan has no historical and legal reasons to raise a claim to Tok Islets.

According to international usages, dominium over territory is to be granted to one who discovered and used it first. That is why Tok Islets are part of the inviolable territory of Korea.

Japan's increased zeal to grab Tok Islets would only heighten the Korean nation's hatred against Japan.

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