calendar>>February 19. 2016 Juche 105
Party, State Commendations Conferred on Contributors to Successful Satellite Launch in Presence of Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- There took place a ceremony of conferring party and state commendations on the scientists, technicians, workers and officials who contributed to the successful launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on the Wednesday morning.

Present at the ceremony was Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army.

He declared the beginning of the ceremony and made a congratulatory speech.

He said that space conquers who demonstrated the self-esteem and authority of our great state and indomitable mettle of the strong people over the world were the best patriots and admirable heroes of Juche Korea.

He noted that the great success of the satellite launch is a crystal of the intense loyalty to the party, ardent patriotism and sweat of the scientists of Juche Korea.

Our party values patriotism of the scientists loyal to the party and revolution, he noted.

He, on behalf of the Workers' Party of Korea, extended gratitude once again to space conquerors who instilled sure conviction and courage into the service personnel and people of the DPRK rushing forward like wind toward the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea and made distinguished contribution to implementing the behests of leader Kim Jong Il.

He indicated the principled stand and strategic tasks of the WPK on the space development.

Conquering space is not just the path of science but that of revolution, independence and self-sustenance and the drive for defending the leader and upholding the party's policies to implement the behests of the great leaders, and a fierce class struggle against the hostile forces seeking to usurp our peace and sovereignty, he said.

He underscored the need to successfully launch more working satellites of Juche Korea faster by conducting a dynamic campaign of intelligence and drive of breaking through the cutting edge as demanded by the new era of Chollima and Mallima in order to more dynamically pave a wide avenue to occupying space.

He called upon the space science field to hold high the banner in glorifying the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea as the one of victory and glory. He set forth the concrete tasks and ways of doing so.

He underscored the need to hold fast to Kim Jong Il's behests as the important guidelines, unconditionally and thoroughly implement them without an inch of deflection and concession and thus glorify forever the immortal feats he performed in building space power, thoroughly establish the party's unitary leadership system and give full play to the indomitable Kunjari spirit and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.

The advance toward space, the motive force of science and technology of future and economic development, is the DPRK's strategic goal, he said, calling for pushing forward the space development according to the five-year plan for national space development.

Then, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK was read out.

Kim Jong Un personally awarded to the members who contributed to the successful launch of the satellite Kim Jong Il Order, and the title of DPRK Hero and gold star medal and Order of National Flag First Class.

The ceremony took place that afternoon.

Kim Jong Il Prize, watches bearing the august name of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, citations of Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the WPK and citations of KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un were awarded there.

Many scientists, technicians, workers and officials were awarded Kim Jong Il Youth Honor Prize, title of People's Scientist, the title of Merited Scientist and other honorary titles, Order of National Flag First Class, labor orders and other orders and medals.

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