calendar>>February 19. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un from General Association of Koreans in China
Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the General Association of Koreans in China on Feb. 16, the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The letter said that Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, who was born as the son of guerillas on Mt. Paektu, the holy mountain of revolution, and grew up to be the great revolutionary, wisely led the revolution and construction to the ever-victorious road for a long period and performed immortal feats for the country, people, era and history. It went on:

He turned the motherland into an invincible political and ideological power which achieved single-minded unity and made it demonstrate its might as the full-fledged nuclear weapons state and satellite manufacturer and launcher any enemy dares not provoke. His feats are the greatest one to be praised by the Korean nation.

The noble feats of Kim Jong Il who adorned his whole life with warm love for the country and nation and noble devotion have long been kept in the hearts of the fellow countrymen and mankind and will shine long with Songun Korea which will prosper.

The safety of Kim Jong Un is the ardent wishes and hope of all Koreans and world progressives, the letter said, wishing him good health.

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