calendar>>February 17. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Body in Japan Urges Japanese Authorities to Lift Sanctions against DPRK
Tokyo, February 15 (KNS-KCNA) -- The Standing Council of the Korean Federation of Workers in Commerce in Japan Monday made public a statement in denunciation of Japan's provocative sanctions against the DPRK and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon).

The statement said the Japanese authorities were so much upset and senseless in face of the powerful political and military power of the DPRK and its eye-opening scientific and technical achievements that they slapped independent sanctions against it in disregard of the legitimate right granted to any country.

Japan claims its launch of spy satellite by rocket H-2A is a satellite launch but the DPRK's launch of satellite is a "missile launch," a cheer politically motivated fabrication, the statement said, and went on:

The despicable behavior of the Japanese authorities suppressing Korean businessmen and other Koreans in Japan is neither beneficial to Japan's economic development nor to Korea-Japan economic exchange.

The statement strongly demanded the Japanese authorities lift the sanctions against Korean businessmen in Japan as early as possible.

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