calendar>>February 17. 2016 Juche 105
Meeting of WFDY Supports Korean People's Just Cause
Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) took place in Moscow between February 5 and 7.

Present there were delegations and delegates of 42 countries including the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League.

The participants of the meeting said imperialists are interfering in the internal affairs of different countries and regions and blockading them and perpetrating aggressions for the purpose of disturbing peace and stability and creating distrust among nations and tribes in a bid to realize their sinister ambition for hegemony.

They called for intensifying the solidarity activities against imperialism and extending full support and solidarity to the people and youth of the struggling countries.

The meeting adopted a statement of the WFDY on durable peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

The statement referred to the constant danger of war prevailing in the peninsula due to the U.S.-led hostile forces and accused the U.S. of persistently clinging to the hostile policy, shunning the DPRK's proposals for peace.

It bitterly condemned the U.S. and its followers for stepping up the moves for a nuclear war against the DPRK and escalating the racket for stifling it through the UN arena and strongly urged the U.S. to immediately roll back the hostile policy toward the DPRK, the root cause of the crisis in the peninsula,

It strongly demanded the present south Korean authorities stop at once the provocative moves and the psychological warfare against the DPRK in collusion with foreign forces and opt for improving the inter-Korean relations and achieving independent reunification in the spirit of north-south declarations.

It said that the WFDY is firmly convinced that the Korean people and youth will surely win the final victory in the just sacred war against imperialism.

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