calendar>>February 16. 2016 Juche 105
Performance Given by Chongbong Band of Wangjaesan Art Troupe
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- An art performance was given by the Chongbong Band of the Wangjaesan Art Troupe at the Ponghwa Art Theatre on Tuesday, the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

Among the audience were working people from all walks of life, youth and students in the capital.

The performance began with National Anthem. Put on the stage were famous songs praising the great man such as prelude "Cantata to Comrade Kim Jong Il", female chorus "Shine, Jong Il Peak", female quartet "His Life" and light music "General, Here Is the Forefront".

The performers truthfully represented the yearnings of the service personnel and people of the DPRK for Kim Jong Il who ushered in a new era of the country's prosperity unprecedented in the national history spanning five thousand years and guaranteed the eternal future of Juche Korea.

The performance goes on.

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