calendar>>February 16. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Newspapers Praise Kim Jong Il as Sun of Juche
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers Tuesday carry editorials on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong Il is the eternal image of the great Paektusan nation and the sun of Juche who guaranteed the eternal future of the country and the nation.

Rodong Sinmun says:

Kim Jong Il's revolutionary history was the heroic epic of the outstanding leader, brilliant commander and peerless patriot who explored un-trodden path under the uplifted red flag of the revolution and devoted his all to the country and the people all his life.

He was born as the son of guerrillas in the deep forest of Paektu swept by blizzards, and was brought up in the flames of the anti-Japanese war. He acquired the wisdom of the commander by a table for operational plans at the supreme command during the Fatherland Liberation War. Then he conducted energetic revolutionary activities for decades to add glory to Korea.

Thanks to his unremitting forced march which was associated with brilliant wisdom, rare leadership ability and warm love for the people, the eternal foundations for the prosperity of the country and the nation were laid and the cradle of the people's life has been reliably defended by a powerful nuclear deterrent.

He devoted his all to the revolution, prosperity of the country and happiness of the people till the last moments of his life. Therefore, he has been praised as the greatest man boundlessly revered by the people, and his feats will be glorified along with the victorious advance of the great Paektusan nation.

The greatest feat he performed in opening up the eternal future of the great Paektusan nation is that he perfectly solved the important issue of carrying forward the leadership of the revolution.

Minju Joson says calls for working hard to bring into a brilliant reality the lifetime intention and desire of Kim Jong Il, rallied close around Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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