calendar>>February 9. 2016 Juche 105
Folk Customs in Bloom
Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- On the occasion of the Lunar New Year's Day, Juche 105 (2016), people in the DPRK recall with deep emotion the efforts leader Kim Jong Il, a peerless patriot, had made in carrying forward and developing folk customs.

Kim Jong Il in his life time authored many famous works, including "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction", which clearly indicate the orientation and ways for maintaining the national character and further developing it.

He used to say that officials should pay due attention to folk games like yut game, Janggi (Korean chess), swing, seesaw and kite-flying.

Thanks to his noble intention to add luster to the greatness of the Korean nation, the book "Folk Customs of Korea" came to be published. It deals with the superior folk customs of the Korean nation in a systematic way.

The custom of national dressing has been encouraged and even songs, dances and dishes are giving a glimpse of national characters in the DPRK.

On holidays, citizens enjoy kite-flying, Korean wrestling and other folk games. Typical of them is the annual National Ssirum (Korean wrestling) Tournament for Grand Bull Prize.

Now, the folk customs of the Korean nation enter the period of full efflorescence under the wise guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un who is creditably carrying forward the patriotic will of Kim Jong Il.

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