calendar>>February 9. 2016 Juche 105
Liquidation of Japan's Past Crimes Urged
Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Families of victims of forcible mobilization by the Japanese imperialists held a meeting before the girl statue in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul on February 3 urging Japan to liquidate its past crimes, according to the south Korean Yonhap News.

Speakers strongly denounced the authorities for humiliatingly "agreeing" with Japan on the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army from their political interests.

They said that they would organize the political party advocating the rights of those who fell victim to the Japanese imperialists and conduct activities for the people's sovereignty including the movement for getting reparations for damage caused by all crimes perpetrated by the Japanese imperialists.

The participants in the meeting declared the formation of the above-said political party.

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