calendar>>February 9. 2016 Juche 105
Lecture Sessions Held Abroad
Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- Lecture sessions were held by the Socialist Party of Romania and the Group of Youth for the Study of Kim Jong Il Juche Idea in Vienna and at Progres School of Mali on February 1 and 2 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il (the Day of the Shining Star).

The chairman of the Socialist Party of Romania who doubles as chairman of the preparatory committee for celebrating the Day of the Shining Star praised Kim Jong Il as the great leader who further glorified the DPRK as a socialist power independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant in defence despite the persistent moves of the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces.

The chief of the Group of Youth for the Study of Kim Jong Il Juche Idea in Vienna praised him as the great master in ideology and theory who comprehensively systemized the Juche idea and developed and enriched it.

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