calendar>>February 8. 2016 Juche 105
Pyongyang City Army-People Meeting Hail Successful Launch of Satellite
Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- A Pyongyang city army-people meeting for hailing the successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 took place Monday

Kim Il Sung Square and the plaza of the Tower of the Juche Idea were crowded with over 150,000 people full of national pride and self-esteem of masters of the space power who demonstrated the dignity and might of the great Kim Il Sung's, Kim Jong Il's and Kim Jong Un's Korea and the overall might of Juche Korea.

Present there were leading officials of the party, state and army, officials of the armed forces organs, ministry and national institutions, officers and men of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces and officials and working people of organs and industrial establishments and youths and students in the city.

Taking the review stands were the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front and overseas Koreans.

A report of the National Aerospace Development Administration of the DPRK on the launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 was read out to be followed by congratulatory speeches.

Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, said that the successful launch of the satellite of Juche, a great national auspicious event, once again demonstrated the independent right of the great Paektusan nation and its tremendous might and instilled great confidence and optimism about the final victory into all the Korean people.

The U.S. imperialists and the forces following them are making provocation, calling the successful launch of the satellite a "challenge" and "violation" but satellites of Juche will continue to fly into the blue sky of the country, he said.

Yun Tong Hyon, vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces, said that the complete success of Kwangmyongsong-4 proved that the great Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea is a scientific and technological power and a space power.

Jang Chol, president of the State Academy of Sciences, pledged to solve at the fastest speed and level scientific and technological problems for increasing the defence capabilities of the country, building an economic power and improving the people's standard of living and put all the fields of science and technology on the up-to-date basis with the revolutionary faith of Paektu, the sprit of the blizzards of Paektu and the spirit of self-reliance and self-development.

Jon Yong Nam, chairman of the Central Committee of the youth league, said that the speed of advance of the large contingent of youths bringing earlier the bright morrow of prosperity in close unity around Marshal Kim Jong Un will be more accelerated and whoever tries to dare infringe upon the independent dignity and the legitimate right of Korea will never be able evade powerful punishment of Korean youths.

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