calendar>>February 8. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Feats for Army Building
Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- February 8 is the day when the Korean People's Army, the regular armed forces of the DPRK, came into being in liberated Korea as a successor to the Korean People's Revolutionary Army founded on April 25, 1932.

On the day the Korean people look back upon the undying feats President Kim Il Sung performed in building the regular armed forces.

Only three months after the country's liberation from Japan's colonial rule, he founded the Pyongyang Institute, a parent centre for training military and political cadres needed for building regular armed forces.

In November Juche 34 (1945), he went to Ryonggang County to choose a site for the institute. And he named it "Pyongyang Institute", advancing tasks for its construction and operation.

After that he, as its honorary president, gave the first lecture at the institute and made a congratulatory address at its inaugural ceremony.

Visiting the institute scores of times until February 1948 when the regular revolutionary armed forces came into being, he showed deep care for cadets' military training and living conditions and the management and operation of the institute.

Under his energetic guidance, the institute produced many military and political officers armed with the Juche-based military ideas and tactics, who made big contributions to winning in the last Korean War provoked by the U.S. imperialists.

Today the DPRK has many centers for training competent military and political cadres such as Kim Il Sung Military University, Kim Il Sung University of Politics and Kang Kon Military Academy.

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