calendar>>February 8. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities' Bid to Justify Humiliating "Agreement" Denounced
Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- The south Korean "national action for nullifying south Korea-Japan agreement on the issue of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army and just solution" made public a statement on February 5 in denunciation of the authorities' deceptive action to justify the "agreement" on the sexual slavery.

The Foreign Ministry of south Korea made sophism that 14 victims out of 18 sexual slaves and their families showed affirmative response to the content of the "agreement".

The authorities have so far failed to make even a small effort to listen to the victims of the sexual slavery but as the public criticism of the humiliating "agreement" rose, they staged the farce of meeting them.

The statement urged the "government" to immediately stop the move to make the victims accept the "agreement" and to mislead the public opinion.

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